Diferencia entre revisiones de «Módulo:Hatnote list»

m 1 revisión importada
Updated from sandbox: added support for punctuation collapse when text is italicized. The update's content includes changes by users Johnuniq, Dexxor, and Nihiltres.
Línea 96: Línea 96:

--Collapses duplicate punctuation
--Collapses duplicate punctuation at end of string, ignoring italics and links
local function punctuationCollapse (text)
local function punctuationCollapse (text)
local replacements = {
return text:match("[.?!]('?)%1(%]?)%2%.$") and text:sub(1, -2) or text
["%.%.$"] = ".",
["%?%.$"] = "?",
["%!%.$"] = "!",
["%.%]%]%.$"] = ".]]",
["%?%]%]%.$"] = "?]]",
["%!%]%]%.$"] = "!]]"
for k, v in pairs(replacements) do text = string.gsub(text, k, v) end
return text

Línea 150: Línea 141:
-- until the "and"'s stop. Blanks are ignored: "1|and||and|3" → {1, 3}
-- until the "and"'s stop. Blanks are ignored: "1|and||and|3" → {1, 3}
while args[i + 2] == options.andKeyword do
while args[i + 2] == options.andKeyword do
if args[i + 3] then  
if args[i + 3] then
table.insert(forRow.pages, args[i + 3])
table.insert(forRow.pages, args[i + 3])
Línea 161: Línea 152:
table.insert(forTable, forRow)
table.insert(forTable, forRow)
until terminated or i > maxArg
until terminated or i > maxArg
return forTable
return forTable
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